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Nov 13, 2024: Dr. Huang gave a talk on in-vehicle displays for the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Student Chapter at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Nov 6, 2024: Dr. Huang presented studies on automated vehicle multimodal displays for the Human Factors and Safety Group, University of Leeds.
Oct 9, 2024: Dr. Huang presented his work on Human-Machine Interfaces for the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Student Chapter at Virginia Tech. ​
Sep 25, 2024: BAT Lab graduate students, Aries Chu and Wei-Hsiang Lo, won the Best Video Award for developing multimodal feedback in automated vehicles for people with hearing impairments at the 16th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces (AutoUI 24) at Stanford University.
Sep 22, 2024: Dr. Huang gave a talk on e-scooters and well-being during the workshop on promoting well-being for mobility users in future hybrid societies at the 16th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces (AutoUI 24) at Stanford University.
Sep 05, 2024: Congrats to the BAT Lab graduate student, Poorva Jain for winning the 2024 Arnold M. Small Best Student Paper Award from the HFES Aging Technical Group, for the paper entitled, "Exploring Attitudes Towards Smart Home Technology Through Focus Groups: Comparing Older Adults With and Without Health Conditions."
April 27, 2024: BAT Lab graduate students Aries Chu, Poorva Jain, and Aveline Zhang, three of the ten SJSU finalists, attended the 38th Annual California State University (CSU) Student Research Competition held at California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo. Special congratulations to Aries Chu, for winning the First Place in Engineering and Computer Science.
March 20, 2024: Congratulations to our graduate student, Zhi Zhang, for winning the 2024 Donald Beall-Rockwell Award for Engineering Accomplishment.
Nov 14, 2023: Dr. Gaojian Huang (PI) and Dr. Egbe-Etu Etu (Co-PI) received a U.S. Department of Transportation grant (through the University Transportation Centers Program) for a project on modeling mental states in automated driving.
Nov 8, 2023: Dr. Huang presented his work on multimodal displays for the IT Distinguished Colloquium Series held by Kennesaw State University.
Oct 27, 2023: Dr. Huang and graduate student Zhi Zhang presented three studies at the 2023 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
September 21, 2023: Graduate student Miaomiao Dong presented a poster at the 15th AutoUI conference in Ingolstadt, Germany.
May 28, 2023: Congrats to the M.S. graduate of the BAT Lab, Kimberly D. Martinez!
March 17, 2023: Congratulations to our graduate student, Miaomiao (Mia) Dong, for winning the 2023 Donald Beall-Rockwell Award for Engineering Accomplishment.
March 17, 2023: Congratulations to our graduate student, Miaomiao (Mia) Dong, on winning the 2023 SJSU Student RSCA Competition. Mia will represent our university at the 37th Annual California State University System (CSU) Student Research Competition on April 28-29 in San Diego, CA.
Nov 9, 2022: Congratulations to graduate students Miaomiao Dong and Minal Shah for winning the 2022-23 Davidson Student Scholar Awards.
Nov 3, 2022: Dr. Huang presented his work on in-vehicle multimodal displays for the Physics Colloquium held by the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the College of Charleston.
Oct 19, 2022: Dr. Huang presented his work on topics related to automated vehicles and multimodal displays at the North Carolina State University Human Factors and Ergonomics Brownbag Series. ​
Oct 19, 2022: Congrats to the BAT Lab alumnus, Susan Summerville for winning the 2022 Arnold M. Small Best Student Paper Award from the HFES Aging Technical Group, for the paper entitled, "Exploring the Use of Public Transportation Among Older Adults During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study."
Oct 14, 2022: Graduate students, Kimberly Martinez, Mia (Miaomiao) Dong, and Susan Summerville, presented four studies conducted in the BAT lab at the 2022 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA.
September 20, 2022: Graduate student Kimberly Martinez presented a poster at the 14th AutoUI conference in Seoul, Korea.
July 8, 2022: Congrats to the BAT Lab graduate students, Kimberly Martinez, Miaomiao Dong, and Minal Shah for winning the 2022 STAR Fellowship Awards.
May 26, 2022: Congrats to the first M.S. graduate of the BAT Lab, Vidya Krishnamoorthy. She will be an Associate Software Product Manager at Tesla, Inc.
​May 13, 2022: Congratulations to our graduate student, Kimberly Martinez, for winning the 2022 Donald Beall-Rockwell Award for Engineering Accomplishment.
April 15, 2022: Dr. Huang presented our lab's work in aging, automated vehicle, and multimodal display at the 2022 Collaborative Symposium held by San Jose State University Center for Healthy Aging in Multicultural Populations (CHAMP) and Stanford Aging and Ethnogeriatrics (SAGE) Research Center.
Mar 18, 2022: Congratulations to BAT Lab graduate student, Kimberly Martinez, for winning the 2022-23 Research and Innovation Student RSCA Fellowship for a proposed project related to human-machine interface design for universal drivers in automated vehicles.
Mar 11, 2022: Our research group has received a multi-year grant from National Science Foundation (NSF) for a project aiming to develop human-machine interfaces for the aged population in automated vehicles. Learn more details here.
Feb 4, 2022: Dr. Huang received the SJSU Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Activity Level-Up Grant (RSCA) for a project aiming to enhance human performance in driving. We look forward to working with Co-PIs: Drs. Etu and Lin Jiang and presenting outcomes.
Jan 4, 2022: Dr. Huang (Co-PI) will collaborate with Drs. Lin Jiang (PI), Egbe-Etu E. Etu (Co-PI), and Joseph D. Miller (Co-PI) on an SJSU College of Engineering Small Group Project on teleoperated medical robots.
Nov 4, 2021: Dr. Huang presented a survey study on age, self-perceived driving abilities, and autonomous vehicle acceptance at the virtual 2021 Technology, Mind & Society Conference. The conference is available on-demand until May 5, 2022. Learn more about it here.
Oct 14, 2021: Dr. Huang obtained his second Mineta Transportation Institute seed grant for a project with Dr. Etu on public transportation technology and older adults. See details here.
Oct 11, 2021: A study Dr. Huang conducted has been published in Applied Ergonomics. The study covered age-related behavioral differences, and multimodal signal and physical exercise effects on semi-autonomous vehicle takeover requests responses. Read the article here.
Oct 7, 2021: Dr. Huang presented a study on the effects of aging, physical exercise, and multimodal display on semi-autonomous vehicle takeover performance at the 65th HFES Annual Meeting. See details here.
Sep 8, 2021: Dr. Huang presented a pilot study related to non-chronological aging and driving at the IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, titled "Driver-Vehicle Interaction: The Effects of Physical Exercise and Takeover Request Modality on Automated Vehicle Takeover Performance."
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